Friday, 30 September 2011

I Love Nepal!!

It's my birthday today and I'm extremely happy to be in a beautiful country on a grand adventure!  This country has been on my 'to visit' list so long and I'm not one bit disappointed with it.

This week we have stopped for one night at three different places - Bhaktapur, Nuwarkot and Bandipur.  Bhaktapur was a heritage sight and filled with ornate buildings, alleyways, outdoor cafes and bustling everyday life.  There were lots of different squares in the town to explore, 'pottery' turned out the be my favourite.   It was filled with open kilns and people making clay pots.  Going down early in the morning allowed you to see the square covered with neat rows of freshly made pots.

By the temples in the main
Busy at work in Pottery Square.
The cobbled streets of Bhaktapur.

Nuwarkot and Bandipur are small villages set high in the hills above the Trisuli River.  Winding and steep switch backs roads led to small villages filled with a beautiful local people.  I know that I said the people in India were friendly, but they are even more so here.  The narrow streets and paths are filled with the cries and shouts of 'NAMASTE!!' which is the local greeting for hello.  The children come running up to you, waving and even the adults who initially look serious blossom into a gorgeous smile when you greet them in the traditional way.

Views from the climb up to Nuwarkot.
A local lady carrying
the basket in the
traditional way.
Rural mountain villages.

We have been very lucky with our accomodation in both villages as Intrepid have bought and restored some beautiful 17th century farm buildings and lodges.  The food was plentiful and fresh and the views were unsurpassable.

The itinerary on my trip has changed due to the monsoon rains causing a landslide and blocking the road that we needed to take to the Langtang region.    Consequently, we have moved things around and are now trekking in the Annapurna region.  I'm ecstatic as trekking in this region is more dramatic and beautiful than the Langtang region.  The mountains are bigger and higher so hopefully all the cloud will clear to give us the views seen on all the postcards.

Hopefully the next post will come with amazing photos attached and reports that my knees have held out for the 6 day trek!  Keep your fingers crossed please :-)


  1. Happy Birthday for Friday - will let you off providing cake to the staff room just this once! Have a great time treking, looking forward to seeing some more photos soon.

  2. happy birthdy miss clayton kaitie
